COVID-19 ni qamrab oladi. Saytda onlayn ro'yxatdan o'tish. Viza uchun ariza berish uchun javob beradi. Barcha mamlakatlar fuqarolari uchun javob beradi. 2 oydan 100 yoshgacha.
Har qanday vizalar uchun
Shengen va dunyoning boshqa mamlakatlari
Avtomatlashtirilgan to'lovlar va kompensatsiyalar
Mijozlarga sevaman
Bizga kasalxonaga taksi uchun pul to'lash kafolatlangan
Polis tibbiy va sayohat xarajatlarini qoplaydi. Yengil mashg'ulotlarni sevuvchilar uchun javob beradi: yugurish, suzish, fitnes, g'orlarda ekskursiyalar
Faol dam olish
«Tinch dam olish» ni o'z ichiga oladi va shu jumladan, moped, akvapark, attraksionlar, ot va velosipedda sayr qilish, bemaqsad, jip safari, snoubord, tog 'chang'i yo'llari.
Ekstremal ta'til
«Faol dam olish» ni o'z ichiga oladi. Ekstremal sport turlari uchun mos: freeriding, kiting, rafting, tayanchdan sakrash, ekstremal velosiped (velosipedda velosipedda velosiped, velosiped motokrosi, velosiped trassasi, sinov velosipedi).
Bolalar va homilador ayollar uchun
Boshqa davlatga kirish uchun
Koronavirus pandemiyasi dunyoning aksariyat mamlakatlarida turistik chegarani kesib o'tish qoidalarini o'zgartirdi. Mamlakatga kirish uchun sizga COVID davolashni o'z ichiga olgan sug'urta kerak.
Har qanday vaziyatlar uchun sug'urta polisi
Sayohat mamlakati, ta'til turi, siyosatning amal qilish muddati, sug'urta summasi va qo'shimcha xatarlarni tanlang, politsiya sizning pochtangizga 5 daqiqa ichida yuboriladi
COVID sug'urtasi bilan birga sug'urta
Boshqa mamlakatda sayohat paytida nima bo'lishi mumkin?
Singan, burish, ko'karish
Ovqatdan zaharlanish
Shifokor yoki tez yordam chaqirish
Yo‘qolgan yuk
Parvozni bekor qilish
14 kun majburiy kuzatuv- izolyatsiya
2 654 000 dan ortiq mijozlar bizga ishonishadi
Asosida 1030
Asosida 2174
50 000,00 USD Worldwide coverage
16 options available
Tibbiy yordam
Coverage of treatment for COVID-19
Medical care
Treatment due to injury (outpatient)
Calling a doctor
Examination / doctor's consultation
Emergency dental care
Surunkali kasalliklarning kuchayishi
Outpatient treatment
Inpatient treatment
Midwifery care until the 27th week
Medical transport services
Emergency call
Calling a taxi to the hospital
Transportation by medical aviation
Medical evacuation to the country of residence
Coverage of the diagnosis of COVID-19Provided if the PCR test is positive
Coverage of treatment for COVID-19
Medical care
Outpatient treatment
Inpatient treatment
Compulsory observation for up to 15 days
Limit 10% of the coverage amount
Rest on the water
Swimming in the pool, sea, ocean, etc.
Service exclusively in case of the absence of alcohol in the blood
Telephone communication
Payment of the cost of telephone communication - 100 USD/EUR
Loss of baggage
Loss of baggage
Baggage delay
Hujjatlarni yo'qotish
Rental of equipment
Reimbursement of losses that led to breakdown or damage of rented / rental sports equipment
Legal assistance
Payment of attorney's services
Payment of interpreter services
Depositing the deposit necessary for the release of the insured person from arrest
Reimbursement of costs for the preparation of documents necessary for returning to the country of permanent residence
Qaytish bileti
Kattalarning qaytishi
Returning home minor children
Parvoz kechikishi
Flight delay over 4 hours
After the end of the insurance period
15 days
Inpatient treatment
Expenses for staying abroad
Transportation after inpatient treatment
Family or relatives
Payment for accommodation in the hotel of one relative for the period of inpatient treatment of the insured person
Payment for the travel of one relative of the insured person in case of his hospitalization or death
Expenses for staying abroad after the contract expires
Liability to third parties
Monetary compensation as a result of damage to the life or health of third parties
Monetary compensation as a result of moral damage caused to third parties
Monetary compensation as a result of damage to the property of third parties
Travel by own car
Car transportation to the nearest service station
Return of the driver and passengers to the country of permanent residence
Sudden technical breakdown or damage due to a road accident
Ritual expenses
Repatriation of the body to the homeland
Burial in place
Qidiruv operatsiyalari
Payment of expenses related to search operations
Payment of costs associated with search operations in remote locations
Financial risks
Reimbursement of expenses in case of force majeure (accident, including death, disability, etc.
Type of recreation
Active leisure
Extreme vacation
+ covid
150 000,00 USD Worldwide coverage
22 options available
Tibbiy yordam
Coverage of treatment for COVID-19
Medical care
Treatment due to injury (outpatient)
Calling a doctor
Examination / doctor's consultation
Emergency dental care
Surunkali kasalliklarning kuchayishi
Outpatient treatment
Inpatient treatment
Midwifery care until the 27th week
Medical transport services
Emergency call
Calling a taxi to the hospital
Transportation by medical aviation
Medical evacuation to the country of residence
Coverage of the diagnosis of COVID-19Provided if the PCR test is positive
Coverage of treatment for COVID-19
Medical care
Outpatient treatment
Inpatient treatment
Compulsory observation for up to 15 days
No limit
Rest on the water
Swimming in the pool, sea, ocean, etc.
Not tracked by company
Telephone communication
Payment of the cost of telephone communication - 100 USD/EUR
Loss of baggage
Loss of baggage
Baggage delay
Hujjatlarni yo'qotish
Rental of equipment
Reimbursement of losses that led to breakdown or damage of rented / rental sports equipment
Legal assistance
Payment of attorney's services
Payment of interpreter services
Depositing the deposit necessary for the release of the insured person from arrest
Reimbursement of costs for the preparation of documents necessary for returning to the country of permanent residence
Qaytish bileti
Kattalarning qaytishi
Returning home minor children
Parvoz kechikishi
Flight delay over 4 hours
After the end of the insurance period
15 days
Inpatient treatment
Expenses for staying abroad
Transportation after inpatient treatment
Family or relatives
Payment for accommodation in the hotel of one relative for the period of inpatient treatment of the insured person
Payment for the travel of one relative of the insured person in case of his hospitalization or death
Expenses for staying abroad after the contract expires
Liability to third parties
Monetary compensation as a result of damage to the life or health of third parties
Monetary compensation as a result of moral damage caused to third parties
Monetary compensation as a result of damage to the property of third parties
Travel by own car
Car transportation to the nearest service station
Return of the driver and passengers to the country of permanent residence
Sudden technical breakdown or damage due to a road accident
Ritual expenses
Repatriation of the body to the homeland
Burial in place
Qidiruv operatsiyalari
Payment of expenses related to search operations
Payment of costs associated with search operations in remote locations
Financial risks
Reimbursement of expenses in case of force majeure (accident, including death, disability, etc.
Type of recreation
Active leisure
Extreme vacation
+ covid
500 000,00 USD Worldwide coverage
56 options available
Tibbiy yordam
Coverage of treatment for COVID-19
Medical care
Treatment due to injury (outpatient)
Calling a doctor
Examination / doctor's consultation
Emergency dental care
Surunkali kasalliklarning kuchayishi
Outpatient treatment
Inpatient treatment
Midwifery care until the 27th week
Medical transport services
Emergency call
Calling a taxi to the hospital
Transportation by medical aviation
Medical evacuation to the country of residence
Coverage of the diagnosis of COVID-19Provided if the PCR test is positive
Coverage of treatment for COVID-19
Medical care
Outpatient treatment
Inpatient treatment
Compulsory observation for up to 15 days
No limit
Rest on the water
Swimming in the pool, sea, ocean, etc.
Not tracked by company
Telephone communication
Payment of the cost of telephone communication - 100 USD/EUR
Loss of baggage
Loss of baggage
Baggage delay
Hujjatlarni yo'qotish
Rental of equipment
Reimbursement of losses that led to breakdown or damage of rented / rental sports equipment
Legal assistance
Payment of attorney's services
Payment of interpreter services
Depositing the deposit necessary for the release of the insured person from arrest
Reimbursement of costs for the preparation of documents necessary for returning to the country of permanent residence
Qaytish bileti
Kattalarning qaytishi
Returning home minor children
Parvoz kechikishi
Flight delay over 4 hours
After the end of the insurance period
15 days
Inpatient treatment
Expenses for staying abroad
Transportation after inpatient treatment
Family or relatives
Payment for accommodation in the hotel of one relative for the period of inpatient treatment of the insured person
Payment for the travel of one relative of the insured person in case of his hospitalization or death
Expenses for staying abroad after the contract expires
Liability to third parties
Monetary compensation as a result of damage to the life or health of third parties
Monetary compensation as a result of moral damage caused to third parties
Monetary compensation as a result of damage to the property of third parties
Travel by own car
Car transportation to the nearest service station
Return of the driver and passengers to the country of permanent residence
Sudden technical breakdown or damage due to a road accident
Ritual expenses
Repatriation of the body to the homeland
Burial in place
Qidiruv operatsiyalari
Payment of expenses related to search operations
Payment of costs associated with search operations in remote locations
Financial risks
Reimbursement of expenses in case of force majeure (accident, including death, disability, etc.
Type of recreation
Active leisure
Extreme vacation
Chegirma bilan sug'urta polisini oling
Sayohat sug'urtasini qanday olishim mumkin?
Polisning aniq narxini hisoblang
To'g'ri yozing Siz haqingizda ma'lumotlar
Shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringizni tekshiring
Polis uchun to'lash qulay usulda
Elektron pochtangizni tasdiqlang va polisni yuklab oling smartfonda
Biz cookie-fayllardan foydalanamiz
Frequently Asked Questions
This is the amount that the client must pay upon the occurrence of an insured event. Example: The hospital fee is $1,000. The deductible under the START tariff is 25%, the client pays 250 USD, and the company pays 750 USD. Thus, the amount is divided between the client and the company in accordance with the terms of the tariff plan.
Depending on where you travel, you may encounter language and currency barriers that prevent you from accessing high-quality medical care. Traveling unprotected can leave you vulnerable to paying high out-of-pocket medical expenses and navigating a foreign health care system without the assistance you need. Some countries require Travel medical insurance to enter their territory. Moreover, a lot of countries introduced obligatory COVID-19 risks covered insurance requirements.
If you want to purchase a travel insurance policy in the territory of the country in which you arrived, you need to select "Already traveling" during the purchase.
Yes. If you are abroad and planning a trip to another country. An insurance policy can be issued on the company's website and paid by card.
The insurance policy becomes effective after 3 days from the moment you cross the border.
The validity of the insurance policy begins from the moment you cross the border or from effective date mentioned in the policy (whichever comes first).
Use Latin alphabet, as indicated in your passport.
You need to cancel the operation or refresh the page and exit the dialog box of the program or platform. If this is not possible, notify the company. We will help you resolve the issue.
Children are covered in the same way as adults. Indicate your data in the section for the client who pays the cost of the policy (Policyholder), and details about child or other minor - in the "Tourist" section.
You can issue an insurance policy for any citizen without his participation. After payment, send the electronic insurance policy to the appropriate person.
When selecting a country, select the option "Europe" or "Worldwide"
We recommend that you contact your bank, check the limit of Internet transactions and the balance of the payment card.
You will receive an insurance policy to your e-mail within 60 seconds.
The travel policy will be sent to your e-mail in electronic form within 60 seconds. Printing is not required. It is enough to save the electronic policy on your phone or tablet.
First of all, you need to check the Spam or Promotions/Ads folder. If more than 10 minutes have passed, and there is still no policy in your e-mail Inbox, inform the company in a convenient way for you:
The first thing to do is to contact your company. After payment, you will receive an insurance policy with contact details. Use to contact Insurance Company them only. It is important to follow instructions from the emergency response specialist.
The insurance company independently resolves all issues related to transport and payment for treatment. You do not need to look for a clinic, a doctor, keep receipts for treatment, provide them to the insurance company and pay your own funds for treatment in case of an insured event while abroad.
No. The minimum duration of the insurance is 2 days.
Yes, an insured event can occur anywhere and at any time. This also applies to several hours of transit flight. If you do not have transit insurance, who will take care of you? Therefore, we advise you to take out insurance when you fly in order to receive support in case of unforeseen circumstances.