COVID-19 ni qamrab oladi. Saytda onlayn ro'yxatdan o'tish. Viza uchun ariza berish uchun javob beradi. Barcha mamlakatlar fuqarolari uchun javob beradi. 2 oydan 100 yoshgacha.

Har qanday vizalar uchun
Shengen va dunyoning boshqa mamlakatlari
Avtomatlashtirilgan to'lovlar va kompensatsiyalar
Mijozlarga sevaman
Bizga kasalxonaga taksi uchun pul to'lash kafolatlangan

Nima uchun EKTA sug'urtasini tanlash kerak?

  • Biz butun dunyo bo'ylab ishlaymiz
  • Kecha-kunduz yordam 24/7
  • Shartnomadayashirin narsalar yo‘q
  • Onlayn bajarish
    ofisga bormasdan
  • Sug'urtalashga KOVID kiradi
  • sug'urta bozorida 10 yil
  • 150 kishidan ortiq jamoa
  • Yashirin cheklovlar yo'q tibbiyotda

Bizning sug'urta kimga mos keladi?

  • Viza olishi uchun

    Kompaniyamizning sug'urta polisi Shengen vizasini va boshqa mamlakatlarning vizalarini olish uchun javob beradi

  • Tinch dam olish

    Polis tibbiy va sayohat xarajatlarini qoplaydi. Yengil mashg'ulotlarni sevuvchilar uchun javob beradi: yugurish, suzish, fitnes, g'orlarda ekskursiyalar

  • Faol dam olish

    «Tinch dam olish» ni o'z ichiga oladi va shu jumladan, moped, akvapark, attraksionlar, ot va velosipedda sayr qilish, bemaqsad, jip safari, snoubord, tog 'chang'i yo'llari.

  • Ekstremal ta'til

    «Faol dam olish» ni o'z ichiga oladi. Ekstremal sport turlari uchun mos: freeriding, kiting, rafting, tayanchdan sakrash, ekstremal velosiped (velosipedda velosipedda velosiped, velosiped motokrosi, velosiped trassasi, sinov velosipedi).

  • Bolalar va homilador ayollar uchun

    EKTA sug'urta polisi ushbu toifadagi sayohatchilar uchun eng qulay tariflar va tarkiblardan biridir.

  • Boshqa davlatga kirish uchun

    Koronavirus pandemiyasi dunyoning aksariyat mamlakatlarida turistik chegarani kesib o'tish qoidalarini o'zgartirdi. Mamlakatga kirish uchun sizga COVID davolashni o'z ichiga olgan sug'urta kerak.

  • Har qanday vaziyatlar uchun sug'urta polisi

    Sayohat mamlakati, ta'til turi, siyosatning amal qilish muddati, sug'urta summasi va qo'shimcha xatarlarni tanlang, politsiya sizning pochtangizga 5 daqiqa ichida yuboriladi

  • COVID sug'urtasi bilan birga sug'urta

    EKTA sug'urtasi boshqa mamlakatda 14 kun davomida kuzatuvni o'z ichiga oladi, kunlik turar joy uchun to'lov 70 AQSh dollargacha. KOVID tekshiruvi, tibbiy yoki statsionar davolanish

Boshqa mamlakatda sayohat paytida nima bo'lishi mumkin?

  • Singan, burish, ko'karish
  • Ovqatdan zaharlanish
  • Shifokor yoki tez yordam chaqirish
  • Yo‘qolgan yuk
  • Parvozni bekor qilish
  • 14 kun majburiy kuzatuv- izolyatsiya

2 654 000 dan ortiq mijozlar bizga ishonishadi

ЕКТА sug'urta kompaniyasi baholanadi 4.9-5

Asosida 1030

ЕКТА sug'urta kompaniyasi baholanadi 4.8-5

Asosida 2174

50 000,00 USD
Worldwide coverage
  • Coverage of treatment for COVID-19
  • Medical care
  • Treatment due to injury (outpatient)
  • Calling a doctor
  • Examination / doctor's consultation
  • Emergency dental care
  • Surunkali kasalliklarning kuchayishi
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Midwifery care until the 27th week
  • Emergency call
  • Calling a taxi to the hospital
  • Transportation by medical aviation
  • Medical evacuation to the country of residence
  • Coverage of the diagnosis of COVID-19 Provided if the PCR test is positive
  • Coverage of treatment for COVID-19
  • Medical care
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Compulsory observation for up to 15 days
  • Limit 10% of the coverage amount
  • Swimming in the pool, sea, ocean, etc.
  • Service exclusively in case of the absence of alcohol in the blood
  • Payment of the cost of telephone communication - 100 USD/EUR
  • Loss of baggage
  • Baggage delay
  • Hujjatlarni yo'qotish
  • Reimbursement of losses that led to breakdown or damage of rented / rental sports equipment
  • Kattalarning qaytishi
  • Returning home minor children
  • Flight delay over 4 hours
  • 15 days
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Expenses for staying abroad
  • Transportation after inpatient treatment
  • Payment for accommodation in the hotel of one relative for the period of inpatient treatment of the insured person
  • Payment for the travel of one relative of the insured person in case of his hospitalization or death
  • Expenses for staying abroad after the contract expires
  • Monetary compensation as a result of damage to the life or health of third parties
  • Monetary compensation as a result of moral damage caused to third parties
  • Monetary compensation as a result of damage to the property of third parties
  • Car transportation to the nearest service station
  • Return of the driver and passengers to the country of permanent residence
  • Sudden technical breakdown or damage due to a road accident
  • Repatriation of the body to the homeland
  • Burial in place
  • Payment of expenses related to search operations
  • Payment of costs associated with search operations in remote locations
  • Reimbursement of expenses in case of force majeure (accident, including death, disability, etc.
  • Active leisure
  • Extreme vacation
  • Sports
+ covid
150 000,00 USD
Worldwide coverage
  • Coverage of treatment for COVID-19
  • Medical care
  • Treatment due to injury (outpatient)
  • Calling a doctor
  • Examination / doctor's consultation
  • Emergency dental care
  • Surunkali kasalliklarning kuchayishi
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Midwifery care until the 27th week
  • Emergency call
  • Calling a taxi to the hospital
  • Transportation by medical aviation
  • Medical evacuation to the country of residence
  • Coverage of the diagnosis of COVID-19 Provided if the PCR test is positive
  • Coverage of treatment for COVID-19
  • Medical care
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Compulsory observation for up to 15 days
  • No limit
  • Swimming in the pool, sea, ocean, etc.
  • Not tracked by Insurance company
  • Payment of the cost of telephone communication - 100 USD/EUR
  • Loss of baggage
  • Baggage delay
  • Hujjatlarni yo'qotish
  • Reimbursement of losses that led to breakdown or damage of rented / rental sports equipment
  • Kattalarning qaytishi
  • Returning home minor children
  • Flight delay over 4 hours
  • 15 days
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Expenses for staying abroad
  • Transportation after inpatient treatment
  • Payment for accommodation in the hotel of one relative for the period of inpatient treatment of the insured person
  • Payment for the travel of one relative of the insured person in case of his hospitalization or death
  • Expenses for staying abroad after the contract expires
  • Monetary compensation as a result of damage to the life or health of third parties
  • Monetary compensation as a result of moral damage caused to third parties
  • Monetary compensation as a result of damage to the property of third parties
  • Car transportation to the nearest service station
  • Return of the driver and passengers to the country of permanent residence
  • Sudden technical breakdown or damage due to a road accident
  • Repatriation of the body to the homeland
  • Burial in place
  • Payment of expenses related to search operations
  • Payment of costs associated with search operations in remote locations
  • Reimbursement of expenses in case of force majeure (accident, including death, disability, etc.
  • Active leisure
  • Extreme vacation
  • Sports
+ covid
500 000,00 USD
Worldwide coverage
  • Coverage of treatment for COVID-19
  • Medical care
  • Treatment due to injury (outpatient)
  • Calling a doctor
  • Examination / doctor's consultation
  • Emergency dental care
  • Surunkali kasalliklarning kuchayishi
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Midwifery care until the 27th week
  • Emergency call
  • Calling a taxi to the hospital
  • Transportation by medical aviation
  • Medical evacuation to the country of residence
  • Coverage of the diagnosis of COVID-19 Provided if the PCR test is positive
  • Coverage of treatment for COVID-19
  • Medical care
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Compulsory observation for up to 15 days
  • No limit
  • Swimming in the pool, sea, ocean, etc.
  • Not tracked by Insurance company
  • Payment of the cost of telephone communication - 100 USD/EUR
  • Loss of baggage
  • Baggage delay
  • Hujjatlarni yo'qotish
  • Reimbursement of losses that led to breakdown or damage of rented / rental sports equipment
  • Kattalarning qaytishi
  • Returning home minor children
  • Flight delay over 4 hours
  • 15 days
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Expenses for staying abroad
  • Transportation after inpatient treatment
  • Payment for accommodation in the hotel of one relative for the period of inpatient treatment of the insured person
  • Payment for the travel of one relative of the insured person in case of his hospitalization or death
  • Expenses for staying abroad after the contract expires
  • Monetary compensation as a result of damage to the life or health of third parties
  • Monetary compensation as a result of moral damage caused to third parties
  • Monetary compensation as a result of damage to the property of third parties
  • Car transportation to the nearest service station
  • Return of the driver and passengers to the country of permanent residence
  • Sudden technical breakdown or damage due to a road accident
  • Repatriation of the body to the homeland
  • Burial in place
  • Payment of expenses related to search operations
  • Payment of costs associated with search operations in remote locations
  • Reimbursement of expenses in case of force majeure (accident, including death, disability, etc.
  • Active leisure
  • Extreme vacation
  • Sports
Chegirma bilan sug'urta polisini oling

Sayohat sug'urtasini qanday olishim mumkin?

  • Polisning aniq
    narxini hisoblang
  • To'g'ri yozing
    Siz haqingizda
  • Shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringizni
  • Polis uchun to'lash
    qulay usulda
  • Elektron pochtangizni
    tasdiqlang va polisni
    yuklab oling smartfonda

Sayohat mamlakati va sanasi

Batafsil ma'lumot
Safar davomiyligi: kun



Chet el pasportidagi kabi familiya va ismni lotin tilida kiriting

Kiritilgan ma'lumotlarni tekshirish

Sayohat ishtirokchilari:
To'liq ism: Pasportingiz: Tug'ilgan kuningiz

Frequently Asked Questions

Sizning fikringiz
